The Emotion Code is an energy healing technique that helps us to identify and
literally release trapped emotions, which are harmful emotional energies from
negative past events. Trapped emotions can cause depression, anxiety, and a
variety of physical ailments. Trapped emotions can block people from love and
happiness and make them feel disconnected from others. Since trapped
emotions are made of energy, just like the rest of the body, they exert an
influence on the physical tissues, and can cause acute pain and even disease in
the body. Releasing trapped emotions makes conditions right for the body to
heal. Thus, physical and emotional difficulties often disappear or become much more manageable.
Do you struggle with emotional baggage from painful, negative or traumatic life
events? Emotional baggage is very real, and although it's invisible it can easily
disrupt your happiness, your success, and your health. Imagine towing around a
suitcase from every difficult event you've gone through; eventually the load
gets too heavy not to notice. This analogy of a suitcase full of emotional
baggage is what is known as a Trapped Emotion. A Trapped Emotion is
emotional energy that was created, by you, during an emotional event, that
then got stuck in your body somewhere.
Trapped Emotions are literally like balls of energy, vibrating at different
frequencies depending on what the emotion is (for example, Anger is a different
vibration than Sadness or Insecurity). Trapped Emotions are negative,
destructive vibrations, and tend to affect the body wherever they are stuck.
Trapped Emotions will make their presence known through physical pain,
illness, or disease, emotional self-sabotage, depression, or anxiety.
Trapped Emotions can make life miserable, but you can get rid of them using
The Emotion Code.
When we identify a trapped emotion with The Emotion Code, we first must
intend to release it, then using a magnet to amplify the energy of the intention
we put it into the body. We use the Governing Meridian as the entrance point
for the amplified intention energy, because the Governing Meridian is an energy
reservoir that connects directly to all the acupuncture meridians of the entire
body. When you put energy into the Governing Meridian, it flows instantly
throughout the body and the trapped emotion is released. Just like a magnifying
glass will intensify sunlight enough to start a fire, magnets can act as an
amplifier for the energy of your thoughts and intentions enough to produce a
change in the body.
During times of emotional pain or distress, your heart can be really hurt or be
injured. This is where the words "heartache" and "heartbreak" originate from.
Often we feel we need to put up a form of protection, a defense mechanism, or
a "wall" around the heart. This invisible wall that was originally designed to
protect oneself can now be a source of contention. Having a heart wall blocks a
person from giving and receiving love. A heart wall can leave a person feeling
sad, disconnected, and frustrated. Physical effects of a heart wall may include
chest pain, neck pain, and/or shoulder pain. Emotional effects of a heart wall
may include numbness, depression, and/or relationship difficulty. The building
materials that the heart wall is constructed out of is trapped emotions. The
problem is that the heart-wall doesn't dissolve on its own, even if you don't
need it anymore. The good news is that the heart-wall can be removed, one
emotion at a time, freeing you to live from your heart, create abundance, and
find true love.
What a lot of people don’t realize is that there is new information emerging all the time about the energy field of the body. Science has actually shown us that our bodies are more than 99% energy.
The idea of energy healing and the effects of emotional energy on the body isn’t new. There is actually research to support the assertion that emotions are energy. David Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D and author of the book Power vs. Force, discovered that the energy in someone’s magnetic field can be profoundly affected by their emotions. He discovered that the body’s energy level (i.e. log level) actually increases as an individual feels more positive emotions. To a lot of people, this probably seems logical. Don’t you feel more energetic when you feel happy, and more sluggish or weak when you feel sad?
The Scale of Consciousness
Further, Dr. Hawkins learned that cells actually died with a log level under 200 on the Scale of Consciousness, where negative feelings like hate, shame, regret, humiliation, or despair exist. This evidence would suggest that taking care of our emotions is vital to not only our overall happiness but to our physical health.
When it comes to the work of energy healing, The Emotion Code works by first helping you identify, then release the energy of negative emotions that, according to Hawkins’ research, could adversely affect your health. This is done by tapping into the subconscious mind via muscle testing and asking questions that can help identify Trapped Emotions. Then, using a magnet and principles of ancient Chinese medicine, that negative energy can be released from the body’s energy field. Our premise is that by releasing negative emotional energy, we can enable the body to recover from emotional and physical discomfort.
Living with a chronic illness can be very anxiety provoking. Going to my doctor can bring on a panic attack and I usually end up crying uncontrollably throughout the appointment. After just one session with Cristy using the Emotion Code I felt lighter and less anxious. I was able to make it through my next doctor visit with less anxiety and did not cry for the first time in many years.
Stacey S., LCP
I recently received the Emotion Code therapy from Cristy. I was surprised by all of the trapped emotions that I wasn't aware of and when painful emotions came up that I knew about, I didn't have to go into all of the details which can be so painful. I've received other types of therapy over the years, but this by far was the least emotionally painful and gave the quickest results. I could literally feel relief as each trapped emotion was released. I highly recommend it and will absolutely do it again when another issue arises. Cristy is so professional, kind, and compassionate.
Sharon S., LCSW
Thank you so much for all of the support that you have given me these past few years. It's hard to come up with exact words to explain how much your counseling has helped me. If you would have asked me 3 or 4 years ago where I would be today, I would have never guessed I would be where I am. I never would have imagined that I would no longer have nightmares haunting me, or touches no longer triggering me. Your use of natural healing through the Emotion Code changed my life and I can't thank you enough.
Destinee S., LSW
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